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Peeps - NASA Eyes Glasses Cleaning Technology

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Product Description

Finally save money on cleaning supplies and replacement lenses. It works better than any other cleaning supply out there. We have multiple scientific, laboratory studies that have been conducted. The biggest piece of proof is that our technology is the only cleaning technology used by NASA, the US Military, Nikon, Canon, Ricoh, Olympus, Kodak, the National Institutes of Health and hundreds of other worldwide.

How Does It Work?

Peeps uses a 2-Step Cleaning Process invented by a NASA engineer in space: 1st is our brush and 2nd is through our molecular cleaning technology in the cleaning pads. You first use the brush to gently brush away any dust or particulate that may be on the lens, which could otherwise damage your lens when cleaned. Once the lens surface is free of dust and debris you can retract the brush and pull the cleaning tongs free to make your glasses look new again.

What Is This Molecular Technology?

It’s called Molecular Carbon based technology. Imagine cleaning particles in the smallest possible form, molecules. These specially developed molecules are impregnated into the cleaning pads on Peeps and automatically recharge themselves after every use. It’s simply done through the pads being reinserted in the recharging station or case (the other half of the Peeps). Each Peeps unit will clean 500+ times.

Is Peeps Safe For All Lenses?

Our technology is the safest, most tested and effective cleaning technology for a lens or screen surface on the planet, period! But don’t take our word for it, take that of NASA, the U.S. Military, HOYA, Essilor, Canon, Ricoh, Nikon, Kodak and many, many other companies and even governments throughout the world. The majority of these companies only use our products now for cleaning lenses and screens. In fact, our technology is so good it is the ONLY cleaning product in space, used on the International Space Station to clean both their camera lenses, touch pads and screens.

In case studies our cleaning products in a “real world” environment (dust, debris, particulate) were the ONLY cleaner that both cleaned the lens effectively, safely and didn’t damage the lens or the lens coating compared to other microfiber cloths, individual wet wipes and sprays.

BEST PART: CarbonKlean works with all types of glasses!

Peeps is just so tiny that you can leave one everywhere you need it! Most customers order a few Peeps and keep one in the car, at work and by their bedside table. With Peeps you'll end the frustration of having dirty lenses!